Every moment is an opportunity to learn, every step is a chance to walk a new path.

What path will you choose?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Some day...ish?

The very first post I put up here was about this mad revelation I experienced, causing me to immediately see what I've allowed myself to become and how a false perspective of security made me literally stand still. I said I was ready for a shift; and I said I'd take you with me.
Well, I've given this some more thought and realized that just because I'm on this journey doesn't mean that you will take your leap of faith into the great unknown to chart your path and create your future. Just because I've made this commitment, does not mean you will. Maybe you don't want to.
If you do not, that's okay too. I say; be happy... however you can be. Be true to yourself, be honest about who you are and what you want and don't lie to yourself.
If you truly do want the life you have, instead of playing the "I wish I had" game, smile and realize this is exactly where you want to be, your future is now and you have reached it.
But for those of you who do not want to be where you are...
If I had a dollar for every time someone told me they could have done something "if only", I'd be a millionaire.
So in preparation for all justifications about to go through your mind, I've created a little check list of questions for you. When you don't wish to move forward for whatever reason, or.. if you THINK you've moved forward just because you say you want to...here are a few things to ask yourself:

Do I apologize (to self or others) for my poor use of time?
Do I imagine I could be doing something more?
Do I blame others and circumstances beyond my control for my lack of motion in life?
Do I have a list of excuses ready for those who will question my stagnation?
Am I more preoccupied with the life I’d rather be living than the one I have now?
Am I angry, disappointed, and depressed on a regular basis?
Do I already know how to fix my discontent?
Do I spend most of my day plotting this great future, or am I actively living it?

The last question here may be the most important. I think most of us forget that we are living in the future every day.
One of the most frustrating things to me is the phrase "someday I will have..." Dreams are wonderful; when you are sleeping! Goals are admirable and useful tools to success, don't get me wrong. However, "someday-ing" your way through life while you continue to do nothing is not okay.
So if you are a sleepy someday person... it's time to wake up. The gentle beams of sunlit skies are playing at your windowsill, begging for you to come out and witness the dawn of your life.
It is time to realize you have been living your future for some time now, and nothing will ever happen if you don't step off that ledge and move forward.
I must warn you, however... Don't be fooled by activity, as action can lie to you! Action provides a false belief you are moving forward. Don't be fooled by the great treadmill of life! Just because you are busy, does not mean you are living!
Sometimes, being still is the most active and beneficial thing you can do for yourself.
If the first thought that came to your mind is; "I don't have time to sit still..." you REALLY need to reevaluate.
Next time you sit down in front of a television, in front of Facebook or video games, or books, whatever form your procrastination comes in... recognize it for what it is. Realize you are your worst enabler of non-action. If you want what you say you want that badly- you will, in that moment... make the necessary step.
All you have to do is be honest.

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